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Have Volunteers?

  • Are you a church, group, organization or business that recruits and uses volunteers?
  • Would you like to match your volunteers with activities, projects, and people's needs?
  • Are you looking for an easy way to keep track of your client requests and what your volunteers do?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, than the CompassionLynx Volunteer, Request and Client Management application may be your answer.


Volunteer Management? What is that?

Volunteer Management is the art of understanding the unique skills your volunteers have and your ability to match them to the needs of clients, activities and projects. Needs are tracked as requests for help. Once you have built your database of volunteers and their skills, data analytics are used to match your volunteers with the needs indicated on every request for help.


Behind the database a workflow engine monitors the matching and will send email notifications to your volunteers making them aware of opportunities. Reports are available to summarize many requests for help into an email that can be sent to your volunteer base.


CompassionLynx can help you cultivate and understand your volunteers while making communication easier!


Requests for Help?

You have activities, projects, and people who have needs (either in your community or within your organization). Every client need becomes a request for help. These help requests can be associated with clients, making it easy observe client trends. They can also be free standing to represent an organizational need or a project deliverable. Keeping track of you requests


A set of skills can be associated with a request. Skills are often needed to satisfy a particular request. Sometimes skills are not needed (when the request is made for direct assistance like money or objects). Any skills marked on a request will be automatically matched against your pool of volunteers.


Request processing is supported through query by example and workflow notifications. As a request is processed it can change state (from new to assigned for example) and ownership. Notifications are automatically sent to the staff or volunteer assigned to the request and (optionally) the requestor.


Some of our Users

Two organizations, CityServe and Compassion Network, who have been instrumental in the development of the CompassionLynx application (both located in the San Francisco East Bay tri-city area), use the CompassionLynx system to manage their volunteers and help request processing. Visit their CompassionLynx volunteer home pages:


Want More?

Like what you see but the application does not exactly fit your needs? Contact us and we can discuss you needs. CompassionLynx is built on the simple software architecture and with its workflow engine; customization is not as hard or expensive as you might think.


I Have Questions

For additional information, please visit More Information and Frequently Asked Questions. CompassionLynx is a non-profit with the purpose of providing tools and technology to churches and organizations who are trying to serve their communities. Want to talk? Leave a request (use the "contact us" link at the top of this page) and ask for a call back, or send an email to info@prexcor.com.

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